Thursday, March 22, 2007

TODA training at San Lo - March 08, 2007

by Jo

Hmmm attendance was not that good, usual addicts were there practicing their throws and doing drills on their own for strengthening and skill enhancement.

What we did:

At 730 we started the usual dynamic stretching, followed by the static stretching. Since there are only a handful who were present, girls and boys did drills together.
25 back hands and forehands – person gets a partner and do game throws (full extension). This drills enhances muscle memory on throwing and even catching, so during the games, focus will be shifted in more important matters (i.e. focus on identifying best receiver/cutter).
20 crunches - and for the others, more challenging abs strengthening exercise with free peep show!  leg raises with spotter :D

The lecture: TRAVELLING!!!

Conducted by the animal kingdom of TODA: Crab and Cricket  with samba chocolates for smart asses and sweet tooths!

Crab did demonstration of the different scenarios on catching the disc (although, its really hard to tell the difference, good thing there's cricks to save the day! heheh peace crab! You did a good job!)

Main points.

1. The thrower must establish a pivot foot at the appropriate spot in the field and may not change until the throw is released.-->avoid dragging your foot before the release of the throw.

2. If a player speeds up, changes direction or obviously takes more steps than are required to stop after catching a pass and before establishing a pivot, that player has traveled.

3. If a receiver is running or jumping while catching the disc, the receiver may throw a pass before the 3RD GROUND CONTACT after catching the disc without attempting to stop.

What else did we do??!?
go-to drill forehand and backhand – player runs straight and cuts hard to the open area where the thrower gives a lead pass just within the boundaries of the cones. In this drill, we focus on the timing of our throws as well as reading the skill level of the cutter thus adjusting our throws and making them catchable. Though most of us still need to perfect this skill.
Huck drill – handler throws the disc and there were an offensive and defensive players who went for the disc. (with sound effects c/o Jhong ninininininininininini)
Since this is the only time I can continue this write-up, i forgot if we had some other drill after this, I just remembered el capitan ordering us to do pushups, again - and for others painful leg raises.
The usual pick up game. Since there are only few of us, the game was mixed. i have no more memory of what happened after this… oh yeah, Dave A. didn’t come for practice, I wonder why?

“late Tuesday evening, Yakal cor P.Tamo… Dave A: Noooohhhhhh!!!!!!!”

I think that’s about it…

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